Movie Posters :



So I can’t control who likes my selfies and all but if your blog has garbage on it mocking or blaming the student activists from Parkland you can go ahead and unlike my selfies and unfollow my blog. I don’t care enough about you to go block you myself but please know that I am an avid supporter of gun control and have been arguing in favor of it since I was old enough to. Were I still in school I would be participating in the walk outs and am very proud of every student who currently is participating. I do not wish to be associated with you or your ideologies. I also do not wish to be associated with anyone posting about Aryan beauty or anything of that nature. Thank you.

How do we unfollow you if we weren’t following you?

This was directed towards my followers. I’m not even sure why you felt he need to say this to a complete stranger over the internet that you aren’t following and couldn’t unfollow. Obviously this has nothing to do with you.